Έκθεση CPE Proficiency Cambridge:
Τι θέματα εκθέσεων ζητούνται στο writing Paper για το επίπεδο Γ2 στο Proficiency;
2η Ενότητα: CPE Έκθεση – Composition- Παραγωγή Γραπτού Λόγου
Διάρκεια 1,5 ώρες
Η ενότητα αυτή αξιολογεί την ικανότητα των υποψηφίων να συντάσσουν μη-εξειδικευμένα κείμενα όπως επιστολές, άρθρα, αναφορές, εκθέσεις, κριτικές και τυποποιημένα κείμενα που να κυμαίνονται γύρω στις 240-280 λέξεις, να καλύπτουν ένα εύρος θεμάτων και αναγνωστικού κοινού, ή να βασίζονται στα προκαθορισμένα βιβλία.
Part 1
Read the two texts below. Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts.
Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answers. Write your answer in 240 – 280 words.
Shifting sands: behavioural change
Nowadays, in some cultures there may often be confusion between generations about what is acceptable behaviour in certain situations. Older people sometimes complain, for example, about the real or imagined rudeness of others, such as in the use of electronic devices in public places. However, the younger generation do not regard electronic communication as intrusive, but rather as fundamental to their way of life. Only increased mutual understanding is likely to resolve potential conflict or confusion in any society. In this case, as in all others, it pays to be aware of other people’s points of view.
Follow my leader?
Should we always aim to do what society expects of us? No, what society needs is individuality. Worrying about what other people think inhibits enthusiasm and creativity. Nothing new is ever achieved by conforming to expected social norms. This is not only true for society’s innovators: everybody needs a strong sense of their own worth as an individual. This is essential for psychological well-being and the ability to function effectively in one’s personal and professional life. Paying too much attention to society’s conventions can be counter-productive in these and other ways
Part 2
Write an answer to one of the questions 2 – 6 in this part. Write your answer in 280 – 320 words in an appropriate style.
Η αιτία του ατυχούς αποτελέσματος στα ECPE Results, έχει τις ρίζες του στην έλλειψη γνώσεων, κυρίως στην γραμματική, στο λεξιλόγιο και στην ικανότητα σου στην επεξεργασία κειμένου.
Δυσκολεύεσαι στο writing part της εξέτασης Cambridge proficiency; Δεν έχεις ιδέες και λέξεις για να γράψεις σωστές εκθέσεις; ψάχνεις για πραγματικά ecpe c2 writing samples με ανάπτυξη των θεμάτων;
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